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Pharmacology: PreTest Self-Assessment and Review

on Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pharmacology: PreTest Self-Assessment and Review (Pretest Series)
Publisher:McGraw-Hill Medical Pages:430 2007-03-23 ISBN:0071471812 PDF 1.4 MB

This one-of-a-kind test prep guide helps you to get to know material on the pharmacology shelf exam and the USMLE Step 1; practice with 500 USMLE Step 1-style questions with referenced answers; review explanations for right and wrong answers; and build confidence, skills, and knowledge.

Further MCQs in Pharmacy Practice


Further MCQs in Pharmacy Practice
388 pages Pharmaceutical Press; 1 edition (September 7, 2006) ISBN: 0853696659 PDF 580 kb

This title offers multiple choice questions in pharmacy; a second of "MCQs in Pharmacy Practice". Papers including MCQs are a key component of undergraduate and postgraduate pharmacy exams. There are many MCQ publications in medicine but fewer in pharmacy despite the fact that pharmacy students encounter many MCQ exams during training. This book will be excellent preparation for these exams and can also be used for self-study.

Drugs and Controlled Substances Information for Students


Drugs and Controlled Substances: Information for Students is a medical reference product designed to inform and educate readers about a wide variety of drugs and controlled substances. The Gale Group believes the product to be comprehensive, but not necessarily definitive. It is intended to supplement, not replace, consultation with a physician or other health care practitioner. While the Gale Group has made substantial efforts to provide information that is accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date, the Gale Group makes no representations or warranties of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of merchantability or fitnessfor a particular purpose, nor does it guarantee the accuracy, comprehensiveness, or timeliness of the information contained in this product. Readers should be aware that the universe of medical knowledge is constantly growing and changing, and that differences of medical opinion exist among authorities. Readers are also advised to seek professional diagnosis and treatment of any possible substance abuse problem, and to discuss information obtained from this book with their health care provider.

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MCQs in Clinical Pharmacy


MCQs in Clinical Pharmacy

By Lilian M. Azzopardi

Publisher: Pharmaceutical Press

Number Of Pages: 276
Publication Date: 2007-05-30
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0853696667
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780853696667
Binding: Paperback

This is an invaluable revision aid for those preparing for multiple choice questions in clinical pharmacy. Questions in this textbook are practice-oriented and are intended to assess students' knowledge of clinical issues, evaluative and analytical skills, and ability to apply their knowledge in clinical practice. The MCQs will be presented as four practice tests and each test should take c3 hours. Each test will consist of 80 MCQs presented in a variety of formats. Main topics include: therapeutics and rational drug use; aetiology of disease states; presentation of conditions; investigations and diagnostic testing; drug therapy including adverse drug reactions; drug interactions; and contra-indications. 845881...l_Pharmacy.pdf

Appleton and Lange's Review of Pharmacy


pages: 384 pages
Publisher: Appleton & Lange
ISBN: 0071360883
Format: PDF
Size: 83.9MB
Credit: faris

Pharmaceutical Compounding and Dispensing


This is a revision guide for students giving bullet points of basic information on pharmaceutical compounding and dispensing followed by questions and answers."Fast Track" is a new series of indispensable revision guides created especially for undergraduate pharmacy students.The content of each title focuses on what pharmacy students really need to know in order to pass exams, providing concise, bulleted information, key points, tips and an all-important self-assessment section which includes MCQs, case studies, sample essay questions and worked examples."The Fast Track" series provides the ultimate lecture notes and is a must-have for all pharmacy undergraduate students wanting to revise and test themselves for forthcoming exams.Based on the successful textbook, "Pharmaceutical Compounding and Dispensing", this book has been designed to assist the student compounder in understanding the key dosage forms encountered within extemporaneous dispensing.A Fast Track website will also be live at time of publication and will include MCQs, sample online content and much more.


1-The Forensic Aspects of Poisons (Inside Forensic Science)


By Richard Stripp"The Forensic Aspects of Poisons (Inside Forensic Science)"
Chelsea House Publications Pages: 128 2007-02-28 ISBN: 079109197X 2 MB

2-Forensic Anthropology (Inside Forensic Science)


By Bradley Adams"Forensic Anthropology (Inside Forensic Science)"
Chelsea House Publications Pages: 128 2006-09-30 ISBN: 0791091988 2 MB

3-Forensic Medicine (Inside Forensic Science)


By Howard C., M.D. Adelman"Forensic Medicine (Inside Forensic Science)"
Chelsea House Publications Pages: 104 2006-12 ISBN: 0791089266 7 MB

4-Forensic DNA Analysis (Inside Forensic Science)


By Louis Levine, Henrietta Margolis-nunno, Lawrence Kobilinsky"Forensic DNA Analysis (Inside Forensic Science)"
Chelsea House Publications Pages: 128 2007-02-28 ISBN: 0791089231 12 MB

5-Forensic Pharmacology (Inside Forensic Science)


By Beth E. Zedeck, Morris S. Zedeck"Forensic Pharmacology (Inside Forensic Science)"
Chelsea House Publications Pages: 128 2006-12 ISBN: 0791089207 1 MB

6-Legal Aspects of Forensics (Inside Forensic Science)


By Danielle S. Sapse"Legal Aspects of Forensics (Inside Forensic Science)"
Chelsea House Publications Pages: 114 2006-09-30 ISBN: 0791089258 1 MB

Postmortem Toxicology of Abused Drugs


MD, FFFLM, Steven B. Karch , "Postmortem Toxicology of Abused Drugs"
CRC; 1 edition (October 9, 2007) | ISBN: 1420054511 | 216 pages | PDF | 2,1 Mb

Extracted from the Drug Abuse Handbook, 2nd edition, to give you just the information you need at an affordable price.

Postmortem Toxicology of Abused Drugs considers the role of toxicology in the investigation of homicide, suicide, accident, natural death, and overdose. It gives practical insights and case reviews on conducting toxicology tests and completing toxicology reports. It explains chain of custody; specimen collection and security; sampling of blood, urine, bile, and vitreous humor; and the selection of post-mortem specimens. Analyzing various testing procedures, the book covers simple chemical tests, microdiffusion tests, chromatography, spectroscopy, and more. It also discusses methods and strategies for analysis; and covers quality assurance protocols and controls. To help avoid common pitfalls, the text demonstrates the proper interpretation of postmortem drug levels based on knowledge of pharmacokinetics, metabolism, and pharmacogenetics; post-mortem redistribution and diffusion; and other considerations such as synergistic toxicity, and drug instability. Heavily referenced and containing several tables, figures, and useful appendices, this book is a handy reference for forensic scientists and medical examiners involved with death investigation.

Rang & Dale's Pharmacology, 6/e 2007

on Sunday, August 16, 2009

By Humphrey P. Rang, Maureen M. Dale, James M. Ritter, Rod Flower

Publisher: Churchill Livingstone

Number Of Pages: 844

Publication Date: 2007-01-25

A straightforward way to master a complex subject! This bestselling textbook presents all the knowledge you need to get through your pharmacology course and beyondusing a clear and accessible approach that makes the material easy and interesting to learn. Progressing logically from a molecular understanding of receptors and drug actions to the clinical uses of the most important groups of drugsCox 2 inhibitors, pharmacogenetics, biopharmaceuticals, and drug abuseas well as "lifestyle drugs" such as performance-enhancing substances, botulinum toxin, and Viagra®. And now, online access via STUDENT CONSULT makes it an even more effective learning resource!, it delivers the latest information on cannabinoids and rimonabant,


Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 4th Edition


Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 4th Edition
(Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews Series)
By Richard A Harvey, Pamela C Champe, Richard Finkel, Luigi Cubeddu, Michelle A Clarke

Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Number Of Pages: 560
Publication Date: 2008-07-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0781771552
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780781771559
Binding: Paperback

Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, Fourth Edition enables rapid review and assimilation of large amounts of complex information about the essentials of medical pharmacology. Clear, sequential pictures of mechanisms of action actually show students how drugs work, instead of just telling them. As in previous editions, the book features an outline format, over 500 full-color illustrations, cross-references to other volumes in the series, and over 125 review questions. has been thoroughly updated, and a new chapter covers toxicology. New to this edition will be a companion Website containing all of the illustrations, fully searchable text, and an interactive question bank. NOTE: International Edition available for sales outside North America and Caribbean (ISBN: 978-1-60547-200-3)


Concise Dictionary of Pharmacological Agents: Properties and Synonyms


Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 342
Publication Date: 1999-11-15
Sales Rank: 3857818
ISBN / ASIN: 0751404993
EAN: 9780751404999
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Springer
Studio: Springer
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

This dictionary provides a convenient personal reference source, intended to complement more encyclopaedic works. First, there is an alphabetic, fully cross-indexed listing of pharmacologically active agents and their properties, containing details of some 4000 individual chemical agents including medical drugs in current use, experimental agents and toxins used as investigation tools. Over 10,000 alternative names are indexed, including chemical names, abbreviated chemical names, official pharmacological names, proprietary names and research code numbers. A key feature is that the properties of the agents are categorised, according to mechanism and use, into 300 classes -for each of which there are descriptive articles for which key literature and review references are provided.
Second, there is an alphabetical glossary explaining the meaning of some 3000 biomedical terms from pharmacology, biochemistry, molecular biology, immunology, pathology, physiology, anatomy and microbiology. Emphasis in explanation is given to terms that can cause confusion, for example those relating to drug receptors and to endogenous mediators.
Audience: This work provides indispensable information for researchers in the fields of pharmacology, medicinal chemistry and pharmaceutics, and biochemistry, as well as for medical and science writers and editors and drug regulatory officers.

Treatments from Toxins - The Therapeutic Potential of Clostridial Neurotoxins


Treatments from Toxins - The Therapeutic Potential of Clostridial Neurotoxins
CRC PRESS, 2007 ISBN: 9780849327094 K. Foster English 318p. 5.5 MB

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Fundamental Toxicology


Fundamental Toxicology
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry 2006-03-27 ISBN: 0854046143 Pages: 462 PDF 3.4 MB

Product Description:
A-Z of Emergency Radiology is aimed at trainee and practising radiologists, as well as all other healthcare professionals involved in interpreting scans of all imaging modalities in the emergency room setting. It provides a simple, easily accessible guide to the key aspects of the most commonly encountered problems. The simple A-Z format of the book allows the reader to look up the key features of a known condition, or to quickly confirm a suspected diagnosis.

Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology, 4th edition


Robert C. Smart, Ernest Hodgson "Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology, 4th edition"
Wiley 2008-08-18 ISBN: 047010211X 902 pages PDF 8,7 MB

An essential resource for graduate students, academic and industrial toxicologists, and environmental health scientists and professionals

Over the course of thirty years and three editions, Introduction to Biochemical Toxicology has been an important source for coverage of the ongoing quest to define the biochemical, cellular, and molecular events induced by toxicants at the cellular and organismic levels. Now, as the principles and methods of molecular and cellular biology as well as genomic sciences play an ever increasing role in mechanistic toxicology, significant changes have been made to the book, resulting in this important new edition-now titled Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology, Fourth Edition.

Much more than an introductory text, this crucial new edition has been completely revised to provide timely and thorough coverage of the underlying biochemical, molecular, and cellular mechanisms through which toxicants produce their adverse effects. Toxicological issues are covered from the molecule to the cell to the organ level. Complex methods used in toxicology are also described in a straightforward, easy-to-understand style. Additional features of this new edition include:

New chapters that explore the interface between toxicology and genomic sciences, including: bioinformatics, proteomics, metabolomics, and toxicogenomics
Increased emphasis on structure, mechanism, and regulation of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes, toxicogenetics, and xenobiotic transporters
Additional new chapters on: molecular epidemiology and genetic susceptibility, DNA damage and mutagenesis, DNA repair, mechanisms of cell death, mitochondrial dysfunction, metals, reproductive toxicology, developmental toxicology, and reactive oxygen/metabolites and toxicity
Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology, Fourth Edition guides graduate students, toxicologists, and environmental health professionals through the principles of molecular and biochemical toxicology and the complex mechanisms of toxicity. Whether it's used in the classroom or in industry, research, or academia, this book is essential for anyone interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms through which toxicants produce adverse effects.


Principles of Biochemical Toxicology, Fourth Edition


John A. Timbrell, "Principles of Biochemical Toxicology, Fourth Edition"
Informa HealthCare | 2008-11-18 | ISBN: 0849373026 | 520 p | PDF | 8 Mb

This leading textbook in the field examines the mechanisms underlying toxicity, particularly the events at the molecular level and the factors that determine and affect toxicity. The new edition is updated to reflect the latest research into the biochemical basis of toxicology and the growing concerns over the adverse effects of drugs, environmental pollution, and occupational hazards. Principles of Biochemical Toxicology, Fourth Edition thoroughly explains dose-response relationships, disposition and metabolism, and toxic responses to foreign compounds, and presents detailed examples to make the mechanisms of toxicity more accessible to students encountering the subject for the first time. Comprehensive in scope with a clear and concise approach, the text includes summary sections, questions and model answers, and thoroughly revised artwork that serves as an essential aid to learning and teaching. New to the Fourth Edition:
reorganized sections that cover basic principles followed by sections on different types of toxicity extensive use of examples throughout and numerous explanatory diagrams new material on risk assessment, export systems, oxidative stress, Thalidomide, Tamoxifen and asbestos proliferators, domoic acid, bone marrow (benzene), heart (adriamycin), blood (primaquine), biomarkers, cytochrome P450 and other enzymes, receptor mediated effects, endocrine disruption, ethanol, botox, arsenic, and more questions with answers for each chapter for review and self-checking expanded and updated chapter bibliographiesd

Microbial Food Contamination


Microbial Food Contamination by Ph.D., Charles L. Wilson
CRC | 2007-10-08 | ISBN:0849390761 | 632 p | PDF | 3 M

Book Description:

Microbial Food Contamination, Second Edition is a comprehensive evaluation of the microbiology, biochemistry, detection, risk, and threat of foodborne illness in today's global climate. It introduces new insights into the pathogenic effect of contaminants including mycotoxins and aflatoxins. It presents recent advances in detecting and monitoring food borne human pathogens, and examines control and prevention measures including the genetic and biochemical control of aflatoxigenic fungi. Contributions discuss globalization and the increased risk for transnational contamination, the impact of food contamination on international trade, and international programs to mitigate these events. Finally, the book explores the risk of bioterrorism and considers a Food Defense Plan that can reduce vulnerability.

Poisoning & Drug Overdose


Preface Poisoning & Drug Overdose provides practical advice for the diagnosis and management of poisoning and drug overdose and concise information about common industrial chemicals.The manual is divided into four sections and an index, each identified by a black tab in the right margin. Section I leads the reader through initial emergency management, including treatment of coma, hypotension, and other common complications; physical and laboratory diagnosis; and methods of decontamination and enhanced elimination of poisons. Section II provides detailed information for approximately 150 common drugs and poisons. Section III describes the use and side effects of approximately 60 antidotes and therapeutic drugs. Section IV describes the medical management of chemical spills and occupational chemical exposures and includes a table of over 500 chemicals. The Index is comprehensive and extensively cross-referenced.The manual is designed to allow the reader to move quickly from section to section, obtaining the needed information from each. For example, in managing a patient with isoniazid intoxication, the reader will find specific information about isoniazid toxicity in Section II, practical advice for gut decontamination and management of complications such as seizures in Section I, and detailed information about dosing and side effects for the antidote pyridoxine in Section III.We are also grateful for the numerous comments and suggestions received from colleagues, students, and the editorial staff at McGraw-Hill, which helped us to improve the manual with each edition.Kent R. Olson, MD, FACEP, FACMT, FAACTSan Francisco, CaliforniaJuly 2006

Casarett & Doull's Essentials of Toxicology


Casarett & Doull's Essentials of Toxicology (Repost)
McGraw-Hill Professional; 1 edition ISBN: 0071389148 512 pages CHM 8 Mb

Based on the “gold standard” text, this concise and accessible book distills the essentials of toxicology for pharmacy and medical students who want the best reference at their fingertips. The text features over 200 illustrations, summary tables, sections on “hot” research topics, and self-assessment questions and annotated answers for review.

Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons


Curtis D. Klaassen “Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons"
McGraw-Hill Professional 2007-11-20 ISBN: 0071470514 1280 pages PDF 27,5 Mb

Long established as the gold standard in the field, Casarett & Doull's Toxicology equips you with an unsurpassed understanding of modern toxicology, including the principles, concepts, mechanisms, and modes of thought that are the foundation of the discipline. The new edition features many new contributors, new content on chemical terrorism, and is updated throughout.

Alcohol in Health and Disease


Alcohol in Health and Disease
Informa Healthcare 2001-05-15 ISBN: 0824705335 632 pages PDF 4,1 Mb

This volume, based on presentations from the symposium on the health effects of alcohol held in Titisee, Germany, examines the physical and psychological consequences of alcohol use and abuse, and considers environmental and ethnic factors that lead to addiction and dependence. Discusses epidemiological studies that show the influence of light to moderate intake of alcoholic beverages on coronary heart disease! Featuring contributions from nearly 60 internationally recognized and respected authors, and over 2900 references for further investigation of the subject, Alcohol in Health and Disease · analyzes biochemical, pharmacogenetic, and pathologic disturbances that follow acute and chronic ingestion of alcohol · describes complications that arise from social, biological, and environmental factors · examines alcohol metabolic genes and their role in alcohol sensitivity, drinking habits, and dependence · spotlights hepatic and nutritional disorders associated with alcoholism · considers the relationship of alcohol to cancer · debates the French paradox · and more! Covering a multitude of disciplines, including molecular biochemistry, genetics, epidemiology, pathophysiology, neurobiology, and cardiology, Alcohol in Health and Disease is a critical reference for addiction psychiatrists, neuropsychopharmacologists, psychologists, geneticists, toxicologists, biochemists, environmental and public health scientists, health policy makers, social workers, counselors, and graduate and medical school students in these disciplines.

Molecules of Death


R. H. Waring, G. B. Steventon, S. C. Mitchell “Molecules of Death"
Imperial College Press 2007-08-06 ISBN: 1860948146 456 pages PDF 15 Mb

This book has been developed over many years from several popular courses taught to students at both Birmingham and London universities. It provides an important step in introducing principles and concepts within the field of toxicology. The underlying mechanisms of toxicity are highlighted through examples taken from gases, minerals, plants, fungi, bacteria, marine creatures, industrial chemicals and pharmacological agents. In this second edition, the text has been completely revised and expanded with the addition of six new chapters carbon monoxide, hydrofluoric acid, lead, mushroom, toxins, paracetamol, paraquat and diquat. Each chapter is self-sufficient, enabling readers to dip into chapters of interest at random without any lack of understanding. The book is informative, with numerous clinical details, and will appeal to those who wish to delve into this fascinating subject.

Advances in Molecular Toxicology, Volume 1, 2


Advances in Molecular Toxicology, Volume 1
Stationary Office Pages: 200 2006-12-09 ISBN: 0444528423 2 MB

Advances in Molecular Toxicology features the latest advances in all of the subspecialties of the broad area of molecular toxicology. Toxicology is the study of poisons and this series details the study of the molecular basis by which a vast array of agents encountered in the human environment and produced by the human body itself manifest themselves as toxins. Not strictly limited to documenting these examples the series is also concerned with the complex web of chemical and biological events that give rise to toxin-induced symptoms and disease. The new technologies that are being harnessed to analyze and understand these events will also be reviewed by leading workers in the field.

Advances in Molecular Toxicology will report progress in all aspects of these rapidly evolving molecular aspects of toxicology with a view toward detailed elucidation of both progress on the molecular level and on advances in technological approaches employed.

* Cutting edge reviews by leading workers in the discipline.
* In depth dissection of molecular aspects of interest to a broad range of scientists, physisicans and any student in the allied disciplines.
* Leading edge applications of technological innovations in the chemistry, biochemistry and molecular medicine.

Nutritional Toxicology (Target Organ Toxicology Series)


Nutritional Toxicology (Target Organ Toxicology Series)

Paperback: 472 pagesData: November 22, 2001Format: PDF
Nutrients are gaining recognition for their role in protecting against the toxic effects of free radicals, alcohol and other substances. At the same time, advances in food technology, the appearance of novel foods and new ingredients have generated new toxicological issues and forced health and safety professionals to develop new and more reliable methods to assess their impact on our health. These issues are at the heart of the second edition of Nutritional Toxicology. The book discusses the role of nutrients in protecting the body against toxicants. It explores the overall importance of the metabolism of xenobiotics and antioxidant nutrients in their increasingly important role in protecting against oxidative damage generated by free radicals. The book also discusses components of the diet that can influence metabolism of drugs, how alcohol consumption affects nutritional status, and conversely, how nutritional status affects alcohol metabolism. The effect of age on the body's ability to metabolize drugs and toxicants is discussed in detail.
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Toxicogenomics: A Powerful Tool for Toxicity Assessment (2008)


Toxicogenomics: A Powerful Tool for Toxicity AssessmentPublisher: Wiley Language: English ISBN:0470518235 396 pages Data: 2008 PDF 6 Mb
Toxicogenomics: A Powerful Tool For Toxicity Testing provides up-to-date state-of-the-art information presented by the recognized experts, and is therefore an authoritative source of current knowledge in this field of research. The potential link between toxicology, genetics and human diseases makes this book very useful to investigators in many and varied disciplines of science and toxicology.
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The Herbal Pharmacy


The Herbal Pharmacy 27.83 MB

For anyone looking to enhance their health, herbs are definitely worth looking into. Over thousands of years herbs have been used as important drugs and as simple medicinal remedies. Modern research has analyzed the plants and established sound scientific basis of much herbal medicine.

Contents The Herbal Pharmacy has collected about 300 of the most widely used herbs and listed their medical applications, along with:

Their common and alternate name
The family each herb belongs to
Parts of the herb used
Their properties
Internal applications, topical uses and topical applications
Culinary uses
Energetics (bitter, cool, dry)
Chemical constituents
Comments How Easy Is The Herbal Pharmacy To Install

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CRC Handbook of Medicinal Spices


b]James A. Duke, Mary Jo Bogenschutz-Godwin "CRC Handbook of Medicinal Spices"[/b]
CRC ISBN 0849312795 2002-09-27 360 Pages PDF 3.6 Mb

"Let food be your medicine, medicine your food." -Hippocrates, 2400 B.C. When the "Father of Medicine" uttered those famous words, spices were as important for medicine, embalming, preserving food, and masking bad odors as they were for more mundane culinary matters. Author James A. Duke predicts that spices such as capsicum, cinnamon, garlic, ginger, onion, and turmeric will assume relatively more medicinal importance again, as the economic costs and knowledge of the side-effects of prescription pharmaceuticals increase. After all, each spice contains thousands of useful phytochemicals. Pharmaceuticals usually contain only one or two. Discover the Science behind the Folklore Spices are important medicines that have withstood the empirical tests of millennia. Nearly 5,000 years ago Charak, the father of Ayurvedic medicine, claimed that garlic lightens the blood, reduces tumors, and is an aphrodisiac tonic. Today scientists say it thins the blood, prevents cancer, and increases libido. For centuries people worldwide have used spices to cure a myriad of ailments and to preserve foods. Now science is proving that these spices may preserve us with their antioxidant and antiseptic activities. Organized by scientific name, the CRC Handbook of Medicinal Spices provides the science behind the folklore of over 60 popular spices. For each spice, it lists: Scientific name Common name Medicinal activities and indications Multiple activities Other uses, especially culinary Cultivation Chemistry Important phytochemical constituents and their activities The handbook also includes market and import data, culinary uses, ecology and cultural information, and discusses at length the use of spices as antiseptics and antioxidants.


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Protective Effects of Tea on Human Health


N. K. Jain, M. Siddiqi, J. Weisburger "Protective Effects of Tea on Human Health"
CABI | 2007-06-14 | ISBN: 1845931122 | 288 pages | PDF | 1,6 MB

Bringing together the latest research from leading experts, this book provides an indispensable reference on the health benefits of drinking tea. It examines the general health giving properties of tea before moving on to a detailed review of the evidence for the beneficial effects of tea on specific ailments including cancer, the common cold, renal disease, cardiovascular disease, antiviral influenza, arthritis, lung and pulmonary ailments, aging, oral health, and dementia. The book concludes by challenging misconceptions of the effects of tea.

Tree Nuts: Composition, Phytochemicals, and Health Effects


Tree Nuts: Composition, Phytochemicals, and Health Effects (Nutraceutical Science and Technology)
by Cesarettin Alasalvar, Fereidoon Shahidi

Publisher: CRC 2008-12 352 Pages ISBN: 0849337356 PDF 2.8 MB

Nuts have been long perceived as a high-fat, high-calorie food, best avoided or consumed in moderation. However, research is showing that tree nuts are cholesterol-free and contain unsaturated fats which can help lower the risk of heart disease. Nuts also provide essential nutrients such as magnesium, chromium, zinc, and manganese. Like all plant foods they are high in fiber and phytochemicals. This book examines ten popular tree nuts and describes each nut's compositional characteristics, lipid characteristics, effects of consumption on serum lipid profiles, as well as their phytochemicals and role disease prevention. In addition the book covers allergens and uses for non-edible parts.

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The Canadian Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine


The Canadian Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine Canadian Encyclopedia of Natural Cures
John Wiley & Sons Inc 400 pages 2009-02-28 ISBN: 0470839082 PDF 1.5mb

Healthconsciousness is an area of transformational and unprecedented growth in the North American public today. More and more people are seeking alternative solutions to conventional medical practices. For many, a natural approach to healing everything from common ailments to serious diseases is preferable when compared to the invasive medical procedures and prescription drugs that abound.
Sherry Torkos, one of Canada’s leading pharmacists is widely regarded for her knowledge of complementary medicine. Her latest book, The Canadian Encyclopedia of Natural Cures, is the definitive source for alternative health care for Canadians; it is totally comprehensive and easy-tofollow, providing natural cures for everyday problems such as insect bites and muscle aches, as well as for serious chronic disorders such as osteoporosis, Parkinson’s disease, and diabetes. Torkos emphasizes the role of lifestyle, nutrition, exercise and supplements in optimizing health and preventing disease. This book features a detailed A to Z reference of ailments and disease, with the latest information on the natural cures that have been proven to assist in their treatment. Detailed information will also advise readers of potential drug interactions that can occur when supplements are taken alongside prescribed medications.

Canadians seeking to create a more holistic and personalized health program for themselves and for their families will turn to this reference time and time again.

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Natural Remedies: Their Origins and Uses


Finn Sandberg and Desmond Corrigan "Natural Remedies: Their Origins and Uses"
Published by CRC Press October 2001 ISBN : 0415272017 PDF Format, 178 pages English 6.5 MB

The past two decades have witnessed a phenomenal explosion of interest in the potential uses of plant medicines in healthcare and this has evoked the rebirth of pharmacognosy.
This volume is unique in that it is the first, in English, to employ the Anatomical, Therapeutic and Chemical (ATC) classification system, developed by the World Health Organization, to present information on the therapeutic uses of plants.
Initially developed in the Swedish edition 'Phytopharmaca Therapy', this volume expands the original concept and highlights the aspects of medicinal plants that are crucial for a comprehensive understanding of the role plant drugs can play in healthcare.

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70 Essential Chinese Herbal Formulas


Bob Flaws “70 Essential Chinese Herbal Formulas"
Blue Poppy Press 1994-10-01 ISBN: 0936185597 250 pages Html 2,3 MB

At TCM colleges in China, undergraduates learn a basic repertoire of between 50 and 100 herbal formulas. This includes one or two formulas from each of 21 major categories. By learning to modify this core group of formulas with additions and subtractions, one will have a basic repertoire of formulas for most clinical occasions. This book is not meant to replace or compete with Bensky & Barolet's Chinese Herbal Medicine: Formulas & Strategies. It is meant as an outline for prioritized study and use by under-graduates and new practitioners

Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer


Donald Yance, Arlene Valentine “Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer"
McGraw-Hill 1999-09-11 ISBN: 0879839686 480 pages Html 1,3 MB

More and more people who have been diagnosed with cancer or related illnesses embrace alternative medicines, and seek out holistic practitioners who use vitamins, herbs, nutrition, homeopathy, and acupuncture to treat the disease. This long-awaited book by Donald Yance--one of the nation's most respected herbalists--is a major contribution to the literature of natural healing and cancer.

Herbs for a Good Night's Sleep: Herbal Approaches to Relieving Insomnia Safely and Effectively


David Hoffmann “Herbs for a Good Night's Sleep: Herbal Approaches to Relieving Insomnia Safely and Effectively"
Keats Pub 1997-10 ISBN: 0879837934 88 pages Html 1,1 MB

This detailed guide explores the different medicinal herbs that can help improve the depth and ease of sleep.

Cannabis: The Genus Cannabis (Medicinal & Aromatic Plants)


Cannabis: The Genus Cannabis (Medicinal & Aromatic Plants)
CRC ISBN9057022915 1998-11-19 PDF 286pages 2.65 Mb

Cannabis sativa has provided man with a source of fuel, textiles, paper, rope, medicines and intoxication for over 5000 years. This book contains a series of expert dissertations, supported by over 700 references on the history, ethnobotany, chemistry and analysis, and cultivation and processing of cannabis. The medicinal and non-medicinal uses of the plant and its derivatives are viewed in the context of national and international legislation to define and control its use. Developments in cannabinoid pharmacology research and receptor theory are also discussed.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of cannabis use and abuse and will be an invaluable reference source for anyone with an interest in the wide range of applications of this fascinating plant and its therapeutic and commercial potential.

Herbal Supplements-Drug Interactions: Scientific and Regulatory Perspectives


The international popularity of herbal remedies has recently outpaced quality information on the utilization and dosing of these compounds. This book fills a void in the literature by offering an authoritative overview of the mechanisms of herbal remedies and their impact on standard medications. It offers a practical approach that focuses not only on specific drug interactions, but the mechanisms behind those interactions and their clinical significance. With contributions from leading experts on the subject, this text examines the overall use of herbs, includes sections on individual herbs, and considers pertinent regulatory issues and concerns in industry.


Materia medica software


User friendly revolutionary program that will allow you quickly and easily improve the accuracy of your clinical observations, diag- nosis and herbal prescriptions.

With a few clicks of the mouse, you can quickly and easily see more clearly the possibilities and best use of interconnected formulas, conditions, and actions.

  • Over 140 herbs and over 400 specific ailments are referenced
  • Search by indication
  • Unique search by multiple actions
  • The program offers you the ability to add your own data.
  • Preparation methods are given for each herb
  • Adult dosage ranges for all appropriate preparations are given


Herbal Medicine: A Guide for Health Care Profesionals


Herbal Medicine: A Guide for Health Care Profesionals .
Pharmaceutical Press ISBN: 0853694745 2002-06-15 (2nd edition) html 296 pages 1.4 Mb RS

A general disillusionment with conventional medicines, coupled with the desire for a "natural" life style has resulted in an increasing utilization of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) across the developed world. The global market for herbal products has grown rapidly in the past decade, yet the majority are not assessed for their quality, safety and efficacy. This completely revised and updated edition of Herbal Medicines aims to answer the questions raised for the healthcare professional by providing scientifically rigorous, impartial information on medicinal herbs. It contains: informs on quality, safety and efficacy; offersan overview of UK and European leglisation concerning herbal products; offers an account and examples ofthe scientific methods for investigating the chemical constituents of herbs and for determining their biological activities; deals with 148 herbs commonly present in herbal remedies sold by pharmacies in the UK; enables the healthcare professional to advise the public on the rational and safe use of medicines; and presents various appendices grouping together herbs with specific actions highlighting potential interactions with conventional medicine.

An Introduction to Complementary Medicine


Terry Robson, "An Introduction to Complementary Medicine"
Allen & Unwin Academic 2004-09-01 ISBN: 1741140544 384 pages PDF 1,6 MB

Providing a sound introduction to the range of treatments and philosophies within the field of complementary and alternative medicine, this book offers a systematic explanation of the philosophies and practices that underpin these medical practices. The rise in popularity of complementary medicine is examined along with challenges of developing a more integrated system of healthcare. Such questions as What is complementary medicine? What evidence is there to support its use? and What can orthodox medicine learn from holistic practice? are answered. Among topics discussed are herbal medicine, massage, aromatherapy, yoga, and ayurveda.

Cancer Drug Design and Discovery

on Thursday, August 13, 2009

Stephen Neidle "Cancer Drug Design and Discovery"

Academic Press 2007-10-15 ISBN: 0123694485 448 pages PDF 7 MB

The ultimate source of information on the design of new anticancer agents, emphasising small molecules, this newest work covers recent notable successes resulting from the human genome and cancer genomics projects. These advances have provided information on targets involved in specific cancers that are leading to effective medicines for at least some of the common solid tumours. Unique sections explain the basic underlying principles of cancer drug development and provide a practical introduction to modern methods of drug design. Appealing to a broad audience, this is an excellent reference for translational researchers interested in cancer biology and medicine as well as students in pharmacy, pharmacology, or medicinal and biological chemistry, and clinicians taking oncology options.

* Covers both currently available drugs as well as those under development
* Provides a clinical perspective on trials of new anticancer agents
* Presents drug discovery examples through the use of case histories


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