May 2011 Volume 43 Number 5, pp 389 - 499
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Nature Reviews Genetics
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No second thoughts about data access p389
More data than we can handle is no excuse to give up our efforts to
promote data access, but it may make us think about new ways to make it sustainable.
Variants modulating the expression of a chromosome domain encompassing PLAG1
influence bovine stature pp405 - 413
Latifa Karim et al.
Michel Georges and colleagues report fine mapping and functional characterization
of a quantitative trait locus with a large effect on bovine stature. They show
that the likely causal variants at this locus modulate expression of a
chromosomal domain encompassing PLAG1 and several other genes.
Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.
Article: http://links.ealert.nature.
Variants modulating the expression of a chromosome domain encompassing PLAG1
influence bovine stature pp405 - 413
Latifa Karim et al.
Michel Georges and colleagues report fine mapping and functional characterization
of a quantitative trait locus with a large effect on bovine stature. They show
that the likely causal variants at this locus modulate expression of a
chromosomal domain encompassing PLAG1 and several other genes.
Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.
Article: http://links.ealert.nature.
Glycerol-3-phosphate is a critical mobile inducer of systemic immunity in plants pp421 - 427
Bidisha Chanda et al.
Pradeep Kachroo and colleagues show that glycerol-3-phosphate is a critical mobile
inducer of systemic acquired resistance in plants.
Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.
Article: http://links.ealert.nature.
Mutant nucleophosmin and cooperating pathways drive leukemia initiation
and progression in mice pp470 - 475
George S Vassiliou et al.
George Vassiliou, Allan Bradley and colleagues perform a Sleeping Beauty
transposon mutagenesis screen to identify insertions that cooperate with
mutant Npm1 to produce acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in mice. They observed
mutually exclusive integrations in Csf2, Flt3 or Rasgrp1 in a high percentage
of cases, providing insights into the molecular pathogenesis of this AML subtype.
Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.
Article: http://links.ealert.nature.
A framework for variation discovery and genotyping using next-generation
DNA sequencing data pp491 - 498
Mark A DePristo et al.
Mark DePristo and colleagues report an analytical framework to discover
and genotype variation using whole exome and genome resequencing data
from next-generation sequencing technologies. They apply these methods
to low-pass population sequencing data from the 1000 Genomes Project.
Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.
Article: http://links.ealert.nature.
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